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Containing group: Phytomelanic Cypsela Clade


Estes, D. and J. Beck. 2011. A new species of Polymnia (Asteraceae: Tribe Polymnieae) from Tennessee. Systematic Botany 36: 481-486.

Hardcastle, E. L., R. M. McElderry, and J. L. Gentry. 2007. Distribution, habitat, and current population size estimates for Polymnia cossatotensis (Cossatot Leafcup) [Asteraceae], a rare Arkansas endemic. Castanea 72: 194–204

Pittman, A. B., V. Bates, and R. Kral. 1989. A new species of Polymnia (Compositae: Heliantheae) from the Ouachita Mountain region of Arkansas. Sida 13: 481–486.

Rauscher, J. T. 2002. Molecular phylogenetics of the Espeletia complex (Asteraceae): evidence from nrDNA ITS sequences on the closest relatives of an Andean adaptive radiation. American Journal of Botany 89: 1074–1084.

Robinson, H. 1978. Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XII. Re-establishment of the genus Smallanthus. Phytologia 39: 47–53.

Strother, J. 2006. Polymnia. Pp. 39–40 in Flora of North America north of Mexico. Vol. 21. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, Part 8: Asteraceae, Part 3. ed. Flora of North America Editorial Committee. New York: Oxford University Press.

Wells, J. R. 1965. A taxonomic study of Polymnia (Compositae). Brittonia 17: 144–159.

Wells, J. R. 1969. Specific relationships between Polymnia canadensis and P. laevigata (Compositae). Castanea 34: 179–184.

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Tree of Life Web Project. 2011. Polymnieae. Version 11 July 2011 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Polymnieae/22922/2011.07.11 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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