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TreeGrow Menus

File Menu

File menu
Option Action
Open TreeGrow Manager This will open the TreeGrow Manager.
Clicking on the close button of the Tree Window will do the same thing.
Upload to server This will update the ToL Database to reflect the most recent changes.
View version on server If selected with a Node Data Window in front, this will launch the default browser on the contributor's computer and load the page for that node in the ToL Development Site. With any other window in front, the basal page of the downloaded branch will be loaded.
Check in file This will remove local files from the contributor's computer and make the branch available for other contributors to download and work on.
Check in subtree Check in subtree dialog

This will bring up a dialog window that lets authors select the subtree they would like to check in.

When a subtree is checked it, it will be removed from the tree in the Tree Window, and the data attached to the subtree will become available for other contributors to edit.

Export text This will bring up a dialog window that allows contributors to save the text of pages attached to the downloaded branch in a text file.

This will quit TreeGrow. If there are changes that have not yet been uploaded to the ToL Database, there will be a dialog window providing the opportunity to upload.

Edit Menu

Edit Menu
Option Action
Undo This lets authors take back the last action in the active window (e.g. the Tree Window, the Images Window, the Contributors Window, or a Node Data Window).
Repeated Undos will go back further and further back in the history of actions within a given window.
Redo This will reestablish the last action that had previously been undone in the active window.
Repeated Redos will go back further and further back in the history of undone actions within a given window.
Find Node Find node dialogThis option is only available when the Tree Window is active. It brings up a dialog window that lets you search for a particular node in the tree. Nodes matching the name typed in the text field will be selected one at a time, and you can click on the Find Again button to move to the next match.
Cut, Copy, Paste In the Tree Window, you can cut, copy and paste taxon names. In other windows, you can cut, copy and paste text between text fields.
Select All In the Tree Window, selects the entire text for the selected taxon name field. In other windows, selects the entire active text field.

Node Menu

This menu is available only when a Node Data Window is active.

Node menu
Option Action
Add page Adds an empty page to the node.
Remove page Removes the page object from the node. Careful, you will lose all the content of the page.
Close Node Data Window Closes the active Node Data Window. Clicking on the close button of the Node Data Window will do the same thing.

Window Menu

Window Menu
Option Action
Tree Window Brings the Tree Window to the front. The Tree Window will remain open as long as you work on a given branch. Closing the Tree Window will close all the windows associated with the branch.
Contributors Window Opens the Contributors Window or brings it to the front if it is already open.
Images Window Opens the Images Window or brings it to the front if it is already open.
Node Data Window: Group Name Opens the Node Data Window for a given group or brings it to the front if it is already open.

Help Menu

Help menu
Option Action
First Time Users This brings up a window that explains the basic TreeGrow workflow.
Previewing ToL Pages This brings up a window with instrucitons on how to preview changes to the current branch in a web browser. It also provides the user name and password for the ToL Development Site.
About TreeGrow This brings up a window with information about what version of TreeGrow you are using. It also has a link to this ToL Contributors Documentation.

Contribute to the ToL

ToL Contributions

Ways to Contribute

Use of Contributions

Scientific Content

Core Contributions

Articles & Notes

Tips & Guidelines


Contributors TWiki


Contributors List
